Does anyonw knoe about crypto export restrictions in Israel? The Crypto Law Survey (http://cwis.kub.nl/~frw/people/koops/lawsurvy.htm) says that there are some restrictions, but "their scope is not clear". Also I have been iformed of occasions when a company in Israel does not export strong crypto. Still I believe I have seen many programs from Israel that have unlimited strong algorithms. The real question is, why can't Checkpoint who manufactures the Firewall-1 sell DES version in Europe, but only in US and Canada. Elsewhere they use a proprietary algorithm called FWZ (48-bit). I have not any analysis done on FWZ so I don't think anyone is using it. Jüri Kaljundi AS Stallion jk@stallion.ee WWW ja andmeturvateenused http://www.stallion.ee/