On Monday, February 10, 2003, at 03:25 AM, David Howe wrote:
The solution is only applicable to cold or moderately tamper-proofed systems, to prevent analysis of such systems if confiscated. It can only become a serious component in an overall scheme, but this is universally true - there is no magic shield you can fit to *anything* to solve all ills; this will add protection against the specified attacks and in fact already exists for windows (drivecrypt pluspack) - it is just non-windoze platforms that lack a product in this area.
With USAPATRIOT and HOMESEC REICHSPROTEKTION acts authorizing black bag jobs, break-ins, planting of evidence, keystroke-logging, administrative rubber-stamp warrants (no judge, just a GS-8 or higher saying "Go for it!'), it's time to revisit the issue of trap guns and booby traps. How about an audio warning to computer tamperers? "You have 10 seconds to clear the area before this computer detonates." Then, at the nearest door or sliding glass window, a rigged shotgun to decapitate those furiously trying to escape. (For safety reasons, interlock the shotgun or detcord with the alarms on the computer.) I expect the increase in black bag entries and break-ins is going to produce a few major court cases soon. What happens when a homeowner surprises a covert entry team in his house and a gunfight ensue? (With no warrant being shown to the homeowner, he cannot be said to have knowledge (scienter) that the apparent burglars or home invaders were actually "authorized.") A similar theme was in the Cypherpunks-required film "Arlington Road" a few years back. (Check your video store, though I don't see it often on cable or in the DVD bins, so it may have been deemed by the studio to be too close to the truth for public consumption.) A so-called "white power" compound is being trespassed-upon by BATFags and narcs, sneaking up on the compound without display of a search or arrest warrant. The residents think they are being attacked and start shooting. Many agents die. (Of course, at the end of "Arlington Road" even more evil doers are eradicated. Recommended before a trip to the desert to shoot.) --Tim May "That the said Constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms." --Samuel Adams