[I have been sick at home all day, when I just couldn't sleep anymore I hit the web. I hope this makes sense...] Given that a good number of people on this list live in CA, this might be of interest to you. It certainly was to me. PacBell is selling flat rate 2B ISDN Internet access at $50/month. Plus the regular home ISDN fees, but this is still much cheaper than what I paid before. You might want to think hard before you buy at new 56k modem that in all likelihood won't be able to give you 56k anyway. And no analog modem will ever give you 128kbps. Analog lines aren't made for data. They aren't particularly good for data. That's why ISDN was designed. It didn't take off until recently, since it was priced for business and business decided they didn't need it for various reasons. But at these prices, you'd have to be a starving student or nuts not to get it at home. http://dialup.pacbell.net/ISDN/ Disclaimer: I have no financial interest in PacBell. It would be nice, though. :-) --Lucky Green <shamrock@netcom.com> PGP encrypted mail preferred. Put a stake through the heart of DES! Join the quest at http://www.frii.com/~rcv/deschall.htm