At 11:39 PM -0700 7/26/01, Alan Olsen wrote:
On Wed, 25 Jul 2001, Eugene Leitl wrote:
A lot of the calculations being sketched out here, of watts/cm^2, dwell times, gold coatings, etc. are slightly off-base. We've known for 20+ years that the kill method is to use a short pulse to "push" (not from the photons' momentum) in the thin wall of an ICBM's fuel Explosive ablation sounds like giant pulses, and chemicals lasers (the only ones known to provide lasing output in the ballpark) don't do these very well. So either you have to fire synchonously from many platforms, or have a veritable Death Star out there in LEO. Several of them, in fact, to
On Wed, 25 Jul 2001, Tim May wrote: maintain an umbrella at all times. Why is this reminding me of some of the activities of local Law enforcement? All of this talk of multiple shots fired, but no mention of what happens to those that miss or continue on past the target after hitting it. I expect that if they ever do test this thing in low earth orbit or any other space bound platform, we may see a few "accidents" that were not counted on. "Oops! Accidently hit that communications satilite. Sorry!" "Oops! Accidently hit that densely populated urban area!" Oops! "Accidently" hit Tim May's house!"
Big sky, little bullet. Meaning those will happen, but won't be accidents.