Toto wrote:
From: (Dorothy Denning) Subject: ORGANIZED CRIME AND TECHNOLOGY TRENDS We are in the process of writing a report on the impact of technology and encryption on domestic and international organized crime. The results will be presented to the Working Group on Organized Crime of the National Strategy Information Center in Washington, DC on April 29. [snippo]
I hope that your sorry, Nazi asses burn in Hell for the vile, fascist legislation that you and your kind are attempting to foist upon the public.
Toto, I think you're gonna get a couple demerits for that one.
Perhaps you could suggest 'trial' legislation which only denies strong cryptography to Jews, intitially. Then, if your efforts to round them all up and send them to the death camps are successful, you could point to this success as reason to expand the legislation.
Death camps? Aw, shit. You know, once you've accumulated 20 or so Attaboys, one Awshit can erase the whole stack. Guess you'll hafta start over.