Re: an1234 vs. na1234 Julf writes:
Now we only have to fight about what the From: line in anonymous messages ought to say, an1234 or na1234?
You can determine the From: line by looking at the destination. If the destination is to another alias, then you use "an1234", since the reply should appear to be coming from another alias. Using the "an1234" address triggers the aliasing mechanism. On the other hand, if the destination is to a non-alias mailbox, then use the "na1234" form. In this way the alias mechanism is not invoked upon reply. For messages with more than one addressee, split all the alias destinations into one message, and all the non-alias destinations into another. Set the From: line accordingly in each message. This avoids the attack of using a two-recipient message to invoke an incorrect alias behavior. For newsgroup postings, where no particular addressee is listed, and for mailing lists, I would suggest using "na1234", but this probably is a change in the default behavior for newsgroups. You would like newsgroups and mailing lists to act the same, and that means either keeping a list of mailing list entry points (ick), or using the "na1234" form. Eric