Also at the Wired site, but they now have animated advertising that won't stop when you tell it to. (Compaq Proliant crap) ---- November 3, 2000 Hacker Defaces Pro-Israel Web Site By JOHN SCHWARTZ The Web site for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a lobbying group, was defaced Wednesday with anti-Israeli commentary - an increasingly common occurrence as the escalating conflict between Israelis and Palestinians has spilled over into cyberspace. But this time the intruders also downloaded some 3,500 e-mail addresses and 700 credit card numbers from the site, sent anti-Israeli diatribes to the mailing list and published the credit card data on the Internet. "This hack is to protest against the atrocities in Palestine by the barbarian Israeli soldiers and their constant support by the U.S. government," said a manifesto that the attackers put in place of the lobbying group's home page. [snip]