Windows 95 and Windows NT users: after a couple sleepless nights I have created a mini-front end for ciphering files with Blowfish. This is an alpha version so I'm looking for bugs, feedbacks and feature creep. Read all about it at http://www.program.com/FileCipher/ and let me know what you think! thanks etc, and happy encipheration! --j
John Young (jya@pipeline.com) said something about Protecting Your Data With Crypto on or about 11/5/96 1:45 AM
We have put the November UNIX Review article Peter cited in his letter to the editor, "Protecting Your Data With Cryptography," at:
--j ----------------------------------- | John Fricker (jfricker@vertexgroup.com) | -random notes- | My PGP public key is available by sending mail with subject "send pgp key". | www.Program.com is a good programmer web site. -----------------------------------