Llywarch Hen wrote:
In these parts most guns seemed to be used by the temporarily depressed teenaged children of gun owners. One kid managed to live as a vegetable having successfully removed the source of his unhappiness -- his brain. Tough luck. Pretty hard to aim properly when you are upset. Lesson: keep your cool.
I promised that when I have children I will not have guns at home. I think that for me the danger outweighs the benefit. I would explain them basic gun safety and how to shoot though, but would not keep guns around them for any long period of time. Lots of kids impulsively do things that they later regret. Like, once one little boy hit me hard in the head with a heavy stick from behind my back. I have never met him before, never even talked to him and never angered him. He was 3-4 years younger than me so obviously he did not do it because he was a bully. After he did it he was really sorry and no one including his mom could explain why he did it. Thanks to his mom who prevented me from beating the shit out of him. Now, if he or myself had access to a firearm, the life now would not be nearly as good as it is. I've seen these sudden destructive impulses in kids many times. - Igor.