At 09:46 AM 9/2/00 -0400, A. Melon wrote:
People have grafted hops vines onto cannabis roots for years, that ain't no net legend.
Hops and C.s. are closely related, and grafting ain't genetic surgery. Catnip is also related, which explains certain feline behaviors. (Just kidding, likely catnip is anti-parasite, and cats somehow know this... that's the most rational explanation I've heard for feline affinity for that mint.. now get your claws off me.. damn feline antidefamation league) But now that the knowledge of the high DMT content
in many common plants, such as reed canary grass (.58%-1% wet), which grow widely all over NA and Euro and much of the rest of the world, is being just as widely disemminated, along with the very simple extraction techniques (run it through a Wheat Grass Juicer, slow dry the liquid, smoke) the possibility of controlling strong psychedelics is nil. Reed Canary grass, BTW, has proven almost impossible to eradicate, where- ever it has a foothold.
What are you, a toadpunk? goddamn tryptamine freaks. Keep your jaguars to yourselves. The sequence for smallpox is in the public domain, btw. The endogenous endorphin peptides previously mentioned would be the smallest concern, if synthesizers became common. Libyans taking molebio courses watch out. Hey Joe, where you goin' with that sequence in yo' hand? .. looking forward to <whatever>-producing-kudzu... 8-)