Well, you're in a country of _free citizens_ now, Limey, so if you don't like it, then go back to England - a whole nation of people who foam at the mouth with pride and pleasure over their status as feudal _subjects_.
O.K. lets see if we brits were to offer you yankees the Windsors, plus an assortment of flunkies, corgies and stuff are you so sure that your people would reject it? After all someone sold you a bridge so it's not that implausible. Given the way your press goes nuts over big ears and his ex wife (aka familly brood unit) it is clear that you would jump at the chance if the price was sufficiently high (i.e. is the Brits asked for enough money).
Dja ever notice that Charlie Mountbatten married a gorgeous young babe, but was irretrievably drawn to to an elderly woman of great ugliness?
No, Phil, do NOT ask me to call him Prince. I'd sooner follow the example of Lady Liberty in the Seal of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Actually Lord Mountbatten was not a prince of the UK, he was a prince of the Greek royal family and his name was not Charles. The Prince of Wales is Charles Windsor an he comes from a distinguished line of Germans. If you wish to insult our royal familly please learn how to do it _right_. You could refer to Charlie's wish to be reincarnated as a tampon used by Camilla Parker-Bowles or his famous debate with a house plant. Which brings us to the point, the choice between the babe who happens to be neurotic or the woman with a face like a horse? People in those circles start riding horses at the age of four and so they probably don't look too bad to them. Besides, the favourite position of the house of Windsor is the bucking bronco. Phill