_________________________________________________ L E F T B R A I N / R I G H T B R A I N - QUESTIONAIRE _________________________________________________ My name is Gregory Raymond and I believe you are someone who is interested in a successful lifestyle. By this I mean a balance of physical, mental, spiritual and financial success. If we are of a like mind, I thought you might be interested in taking the following brief, revealing quiz. Simply [hit reply] then place an "X" in the appropriate boxes where applicable, and send it to us. I know and understand there are two parts to my mind, conscious and sub-conscious (aka unconscious) Yes [ ] - No [ ] - Maybe [ ] - Didn't Know [ ] I know the sub-conscious part of my mind labors 24 hours a day (without sleeping) for my success or failure, without making any moral judgements. Yes [ ] - No [ ] - Maybe [ ] - Didn't Know [ ] I realize that by taking control of my subconscious mind, it's energy can be harnessed to accomplish whatever I desire. Yes [ ] - No [ ] - Maybe [ ] - Didn't Know [ ] I might be interested learning more about using my subconscious mind to attain a successful balance of physical, mental, and financial success. Yes [ ] - No [ ] - Maybe [ ] [ ] You have piqued my curiosity, and without any obligation, I would like to learn more about achieving mental, physical and financial success. [ ] I'm not interested in this ridiculous survey, and with my CONSCIOUS MIND, I think that you're "Full Of It". Take me off your list and never darken my E-Door again. Thank you for your time. Regards, Gregory Raymond P.S. You may visit our site at: http://www.savoynet.com/carrmond/esoteric/master.htm to check on survey stats, they are updated after each mailing.