Toto, Could you have a word with your nephew Human Gus Peter? He just sent 1.1 Mb of encrypted warez to cypherpunks list. I'm not bothered about the warez, but am bothered about the volume. If he wants to make warez available could you get him to learn how to use the eternity service? Then he could simply post a URL to the list. You see the problem is that in the UK, we do not get free local calls. BT charges 3p (about 6 cents Canadian) per minute in the day for local calls. I gzip my mail before downloading, but still that was 818 Kb, which is 6 minutes worth of email, and so cost me an additional 18p (36 cents Canadian). If I had the passphrase the warez was encrypted with I could evaluate whether the warez was worth 18p to me. In it's encrypted form it is worth 0p. Adam