At 07:50 AM 6/18/98 , you wrote:
I have come across a webpage at
that describes a so-called D.I.R.T. (Data Interception by Remote Transmission) software enabling the attacker (be it a criminal or police or govt.) to remotely keep a close eye on everything that't going on on the target PC. I can pretty much imagine how it works once it's installed but what I'd like to know is *how* it gets installed on the target computer? I would also appreciate any info about the product from people with first hand experience, since I intend to do an in-depth research for one of the European Governments.
Why don't you contact the owner and ask him how it works? Posting to cypherpunks and asking questions about it seems a bit unusual. Smells like a spam. You're name wouldn't be Spyking, would it? hippyman ICQ: 11517383 PGP Fingerprint: E3C3 35C8 0FD9 6F36 2ADD 0541 B58C F6BD D347 BD0A Public Key: