12 Dec
12 Dec
9:21 a.m.
Clearly you've NEVER actually talked or read a psych book in the last 50 years.
David Cooper,rd Laing,Konrad Lorenz,bf,Skinner,Erricson on identity.Dibs in search of self.whReich,steinem. Some of those I read ages ago but I read new scientist regularly and for the last 15 years.Freud is as discredited as comprehensively as marx.IMHO.Freud invented the sub conscious and marx,surplus value.Yeah right.give us a fuggin break Im not pretending to be expert on anything,Id like to be a sorta heinleinian guy.Allrounder,master of none,blah blah,etc,etc. Im also kinda interested in the psychology of people with flying saucers links at their websites,could you help us out?