-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- on or about 971108:1121, in <>, Matrix Encryption <matrix@meganet.com> was purported to have expostulated to perpetuate an opinion:
Dear Atilla,
normally I would not waste my time replying to an illiterate, ignorant flim-flam artist with a forced error [sic] of superiority to hide his/her paranoid insecurity. first: I am not, and have never been, a coward hiding behind a nym. I have been known by "Attila T. Hun" for more years than you have probably been alive. thus, the interNIC record: 20:56:01 attila 501-> whois hun.org Attila T. Hun (HUN5-DOM) 31 N. 700 E. Suite 134 St. George, UT 84770-3208 US Domain Name: HUN.ORG ... Record last updated on 31-Jul-97. AND Welcome to Primenet, Attila T. Hun Your last login was Thu Nov 13 22:19:11 PST 1997 USER TTY FROM LOGIN@ IDLE WHAT attila p3 attila.infowest. 7:02AM 0 w attila processing mail folders msgs lines chars message group 21 2157 98506 .incoming_mail 00:02:25 attila 501-> finger attila@primenet.com [primenet.com] Login: attila Name: Attila T. Hun Directory: /user/a/attila Shell: /bin/bash Mailbox last read: Fri Nov 14 00:02 (MST) Plan: ENCODE ALL MESSAGES WITH 2048 BIT SIGNAL KEY: 2048/463141C9 now, all that being said... it has been asked... "attila, who the fuck are you?" "just nobody, I guess; "well, let's see... "I have a Piled higher and Deeper in Information Techniques from Zuerich (undergrad at Harvard in dual honors physical chemistry); "I have been around since before the dawn of arpanet, probably even longer than TCMay; in fact, I was born before Franklin D. Roosevelt dusted off Wendell L. Willkie; "I've never held a job; "but, I have personally coded more than a few 250,000+ line packages, which made me quite comfortable at one time, even if more than one did go down the black hole (along with countless other projects like the bit-slice hardware and firmware to replace B3500s in missile silos); "I have been the hatchet man in a few bleeding tech recoveries; "I have been detained for crypto offenses by the Feds; "I have been detained for 'treasonable' technology export; and, I have been charged; "a long time ago, in a land far, far away, there was more than one tour in "deep-deep black" special operations; the battalion commanding officer for the 'Let's do some serious killing...' permanently vacant eyes, misfits; "a combat chopper pilot; an instrument rated multi-engine pilot; a rider of a 102 cu. in. 115+ mph qtr. miler hawg on the street; "plus a few other reasons to guarantee an autobiography to be found on the fiction shelf. "if you really want to know... just play Hotel California, but I live in the high desert country of Utah with a bunch of gun nuts (only state in the Union where opening day of the hunting season is a state holiday). "So, who the 'fuck' am I? Just another aging 300 lb gorilla, "Oh, yeah, I forgot, I hold a license to practice before the court in a couple European countries... "So, who am I, really? "Nobody, I guess, just attila! "you probably will not be last, you may not be next, but you are certainly too late to have been first." --attila
Youe letter show us that you might not be aware of all the facts surrounding VME.
now, let's get several important points straight out front: 1. matriculate in a liberal arts program for English grammar and composition; your writing is unintelligible, often contradictory --no class. 2. until you publish the algorithm[s] and the implementation code, you do not have a product, you have "vapourware" in the encryption business --your trust model reputation capital is zero. 3. anybody can propose a specification; but over the last 25 years less than a handful of the hundreds proposed, have been bullet proof --so far; they can still fail. 4. a 2^20 keylength is an absurd dimension, more than 120Kbytes; the efficiency for an average 2K memo is less than 2%. just handling the data stream is a load on both the processor[s] and the communication link[s]. if you are still with me... 1. I do not believe your claim that you have placed your encryption with 250 of the top software companies; there are not 250 software companies in the world who could afford your outrageous $1 million base licensing be --particularly for what appears to be vapourware. Nobody in this business places that level of financial commitment on the PASS line in las vegas. and to pay this fee annually? well, dreams are still permissable; but outside of that forum, your hypothesis is a dream. corollary: the way to make money is to sell millions of licenses at $10, not get down on your knees and pray that someone will lay $1 million on you for something which has not been proven in the trenches. 2. I do not believe you _ever_ had the $1 million prize money for your alleged contest. 3. I do not believe you even have a working model or beta release of the software. 4. I do not believe you are doing anything other than putting us all on. now, if we can get past the above problems for YOU to solve, and/or demonstrate the efficacy thereof, to US, the final "problem" in your demonstrated inability to communicate can be addressed: I did NOT ask to participate in your EXPIRED CHALLENGE; that was obviously a farcical expression of egotistical tomfoolery or shenanigans --maybe even hooliganism. that not withstanding, you never had the money to pay a claim; your ego told you there would never be a claim. I DID CHALLENGE YOU to publish your algorithms, source code, and implementations to the group for evaluation. if your hypothesis survives a rigorous exercise and proof of its claims, you will be a hero. if your hypothesis, which from this perceptive point appears to be vapourware, goes down in flames, you will be no worse a fool than any of the last crop of bulletproof pretenders. and that, my friend is living in the real world, not even the fast lane. the rest of your letter is hokey. ...it's your move. attila out... ------------ balance of your original drivel follows -----------
Well, lets start:
1) The is no "secret" behind the VME flowchart - we have filed with the US patent office, and when it's approved, anybody in the world can see the flowcharts and diagrams.
2) We have given a select 250 major software corporations ALL of the flowcharts, diagrams and even a WORKING COPY of the VME application.
3) Why don't we do the same with the general public ? a copule of reasons:
a) Due to VME key size (1 million bits) we are forbidden by the US export laws to put it on the Internet, which is a world wide platform (see Paul Zimerman & PGP case). b) For the above reasons we can not put any of the flowcharts, diagrams or a demo of of the application without violating the law and getting Big Bro real upset. c) VME is currently targeted at the large corporations and a site licensing fee is currently a $1,000,000 annualy, so we have no "General Use" version for public use.
But, as I mentioned before, the top 250 software corporations DO HAVE the flowcharts, diagrams and a working copy of VME. Therefore, we do have a team of the leading cryptographers working on VME to credit or discredit our claims, and that was the challenge all about to begin with.
Thank you for your interest in VME.
Saul Backal, Project Manager.
p.s. - I've noticed too late of the title to your email - just for your knowledge, the million dollars challenge have ended May 15,1997 and the current challenge bear no monetary prize. Take Care, Saul. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3i Charset: latin1 Comment: No safety this side of the grave. Never was; never will be iQBVAwUBNGwYjrR8UA6T6u61AQHMTQH9HWjpk7vS6YfvyXRgQdy70X4YoptHA2Q4 asWcwSr962+JHNqbNPEgaBJbZWT4vesR+NsOtOCUNy4ylatwO3WeLA== =ymMn -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----