At 08:56 AM 12/1/00 -0800, Ray Dillinger wrote:
Yes, different. alt.anonymous.messages is simply a message mix. I'm talking about a system that would provide lots of encrypted traffic *ON THE SAME PORTS* as whatever other encrypted traffic you were sending. IOW, no one should be able to look at logs and say, "well, we can ignore that packet, it's NNTP. This other packet over here is mail, and probably the thing we're after..."
That sounds like a job for IPSEC. All the packets are encrypted at the IP level, though you can still tell the source and destination of the outer packet, and you can tell the packet size, so it's not a strict Pipenet substitute - if you see traffic from A to B and same-sized traffic from B to C, you can guess that B might have routed some packets from A to C. But it still answers your basic request. Thanks! Bill Bill Stewart, PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF 3C85 B884 0ABE 4639