Tim May <tcmay@got.net> writes:
But I had been marveling at how the Clinton troubles were being ignored by the Cypherpunks...
I've been too amused by the proceedings to comment on it. The more important silence is about the instant sentencing of the Unabomber compared to Jim Bell's sentencing. What _is_ happening with Jim?
It would have been interesting to see the whole process leading up to Clinton's resignation (next week?) pass without any discussion by us.
(Actually, I threw in an aside yesterday about "President Gore," but no one picked up on it.)
I saw that. There are rumors floating about that they have the goods on Gore too, his hands are certainly as dirty as Slick Willie's. I'd like to see both of those rat bastards disgraced. After all the vitriol Klinton & Algore have thrown at the '80s and Republicans their Karma demands they be succeeded by Newt Gengrich (and live to see it).
Personally, I think having a crippled and ineffective President is better than having an activist bozo President Gore, so I'm kind of hoping this whole affairs takes several more months to unwind.
Or several years, or whatever ... :-) I definitely agree.