Thanks to anonymous we offer the arrest warrant and complaint against Carl Edward Johnson:
I conclude: A. There actually exist federal investigators who have nothing better to do with their lives than read the complete writings of the Performance Artists Sometimes Known as "Toto," and engage in endless mental masturbation over the hidden messages they imagine to be contained therein. B. When writing parody on the subject of AP, it is best not to employ the names of actual federal slackers, lest the clueless investigators actually believe them to be targeted in some fashion. The part where he explains digital cash and how he clicked on the AP Web Form almost rises to the AOL level of stupidity. I'm amazed Arjen Lenstra isn't in the slammer for the "DigiCrime" parody, given the "knowlege and experience" of Mr. Investigator here. -- Sponsor the DES Analytic Crack Project http://www.cyberspace.org/~enoch/crakfaq.html