At 09:14 AM 9/2/00 -0400, Steven Furlong wrote:
<<begin quoted material>> As the President has made clear, encryption software is regulated because it has the technical capacity to encrypt data and by that jeopardize American security interests, not because of its expressive content. Exec. Order No. 13026, 1996 WL 666563.
Is this much different from the future proclamation:
As the [Judge] has made clear, [DeCSS] software is regulated because it has the technical capacity to [decrypt] data and by that jeopardize American [economic] interests, not because of its expressive content. Exec. Order No. 666, WIPO No. 666
And how soon before posting of multimedia or filesharing tools requires the equivalent of the (unbounded) BXA/spook review/approval? "Ominous parallels"