What the?!?! I'm amazed, this site is not only about "encrypt...." but for the creep also!? =============================================================================== You give the words you have spoken, it is not lended and are not taken back. It is like what The Corrs sung "...your forgiven not forgotten...." bbt@mudspring.uplb.edu.ph bbt@peak-two.uplb.edu.ph metaphone@altavista.net On Wed, 29 Jul 1998, kryz wrote:
Guys (and Girls), Not looking OverShoulder but BetweenLegs (both "TM") I found out (through European North-Sea Channel) that Rinda Leed aka Linda Reed is suffering a severe form of Post-Menstruation-Disorder. Also her Labia Majora are inflamed and bleedy so she can't sit on her keyboard without clottering it while typing. FDR... Fucking De Republic? Let's pray for Hur.
Chris Harwig Nieuwegein, United Netherlands <chrisharwig@hetnet.nl>