Most people fail in home based business ventures because they are only able to refer 2 to 3 others to a business opportunity. Unfortunately, this is usually not enough to provide a positive cash flow in the first month.

We have solved this problem by implementing a compensation plan that allows the average person to succeed. We pay you upfront Quick Cash so you can make a profit right away!

Our business model features:

1. Guaranteed monthly income for 1 year
2. Checks paid weekly, no waiting
3. Unlimited Income Potential
4. No sales skills necessary
5. Absolutely no discrimination
6. Very small initial investment
7. Training provided by multi-millionaire

Our company is paying a guaranteed $230 per month start up commission when you meet the company requirements.

Please answer the following questions. We are searching for
the top 50 responses. Please reply to this email, and then
answer the questions within your reply.

1. Do you have a burning desire for something in your
life that more money would help you to achieve?

If so, what is it?

2. If we were able to show you how to make a guaranteed
$1000 per month from home on a very part time basis, would you be interested in learning more?

3. Do you believe you could run a business from your home
that could replace what you are currently earning?

How much money per month would you need to make in
addition to what you currently earn in order for you
to consider starting a home based business?

4. Which of the following characteristics describe you

A. Honest
B. Trustworthy
C. A natural born leader
D. Can follow directions
E. High morals
F. Outgoing

5. As with any business, start up cost is necessary. How
much initial capital could you raise to start your business knowing that you can make a guaranteed profit each month?

A. $50
B. $100
C. $200
D. $400
E. $500
F. $1000

Thanks for your time. This survey is going to everyone in
our database of people who have expressed an interest in
making money from home.

Please reply with your phone number and best time you can be reached or you may not be contacted. One of our
representatives will contact you and share with you how we
are succeeding and making money.

The average check earned by our affiliates is $500 per
month. It is possible to make thousands per month in a very short time with our company. Many affiliates have replaced their "day job" income in just a couple of months.

We look forward to corresponding with you. Your information will remain confidential and will not be shared or sold to
anyone or any company.

Thank you,
The Success Team, USA.

Remember to include your phone number and times you can be reached.

If you do not have a desire to make more money from home, please reply with "remove please." If you are not in the
USA or Canada, please reply with "International" so we can
recommend a business that will suit you.


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