Hi Cypher Your inquiry to BulletProof, Corp about JDesignerPro was forwarded to us on Thursday, March 19, 1998. Soft/Export is celebrating the latest release of JDesignerPro V2.32- the Java Client-Server interface builder. With the ability to import any Java class JDesignerPro now becomes the best RAD tool for creating solutions using third party Java classes such as those from JScape, I-Kinetics, Rogue Wave, the KL Group, Microsoft, Netscape or even your own in house components or objects. Version.2.32 supports not only importing of JavaBeans but also importing of ANY Java object. You can now use the AFC, IFC, JFC or any other FC that you can get your hands on. This is the only 100% Pure Java tool which takes you from initial development to deployment all in the same environment. Soft/Export is the master international reseller for JDesignerPro outside of the U.S. If you are interested in placing an order for JDesignerPro, please fax a purchase order with shipping and credit card details to +353 1 294 2197 or email to sales@softexport.com. To find out more about JDesignerPro or any of the other products we sell, visit our website at: www.softexport.com. Please see below for special pricing on JDesignerPro. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or require any additional assistance BR-JDPSS2.32 dollars J Designer Pro 2.32 Standard System BR-JDPEL2.32 249 dollars J Desinger Pro 2.32 Entry Level Yours sincerely, Noel Hall - SoftExport, Ltd Email: noelh@softexport.com