Upon more thought, I don't see a really good way to use the PAX remailer in conjunction with our remailers based on the scripts of Eric Hughes. The PAX remailer can only be used to send messages to those who have "registered" with the remailer to receive an anonymous ID there. So, for PAX to work with our remailers we would have to register. For example, my remailer at hal@alumni.caltech.edu would have to register with PAX and receive an anonymous ID, like "anon.100@pax.tpa.com.au". Then, to use a two-hop remailer consisting of first PAX and then mine, you would prepare a message as usual for my remailer: ==================== :: Request-Remailing-To: dest This is a message for two-hop anonymous remailing. ==================== Perhaps you would encrypt this using my remailer's public key, getting: ==================== :: Encrypted: PGP -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Version: 2.1 hEwCG6rHcT8LtDcBAfwLWYgWXpCoi7TjoeVttBYpk3KPbiYf9L9CCegfYlvj56RA OFrijYag+jqNlHQXmO52bXL8PaNUowD7a2pFY80WpgAAAGt/RXNzaWkI/b3CkviB eh/piaUDxgfPd4npcURHtUCEeh8bPpzVaI9qm6xZlxSaJif+CtFqyuaRezj+hcXR YT9JOl93LAxQJITeYUlPXgkBEvyB4u3HjpCDSS5NETDcqd8rtBspzUvlcmqT1g== =d356 -----END PGP MESSAGE----- ==================== You would then send this to anon.100@pax.tpa.com.au. (NOTE: Don't try this - I haven't yet gotten an anonymous ID at PAX.) PAX would forward it to my remailer, unchanged, which would then decrypt it and send it onward. Oh, yes, PAX would also strip the .sig, which is perhaps why you'd want to do this. But for this to work, I have to publically announce that my remailer, hal@alumni.caltech.edu, can be reached at PAX "anonymous" address anon.100@pax.tpa.com.au. This seems a little strange, as the PAX address is then no longer anonymous. I have to tell everybody what the address is in order for it to be useful. So, the PAX remailer doesn't really add much anonymity, but it does excise your .sig. It's not clear that it's worth it just for that. On a more positive note, the other remailer, in Finland, is much more promising for our purposes. It has a remailing capability similar to ours. You could send mail to: hal%alumni.caltech.edu@anon.penet.fi, and it would forward the mail to hal@alumni.caltech.edu. This is similar functionality to a non-encrypting form of the remailers we are operating, and so it can help confuse things. Also, this remailer could be used in a chain of our remailers by using an address of the proper form. For example, mail sent to the Rebma remailer, then to Finland, then to the Rosebud remailer, could be done by putting, at the front of your message: :: Request-Remailing-To: elee7h5%rosebud.ee.uh.edu@anon.penet.fi :: Request-Remailing-To: <dest> Then a blank line, then your message itself. Mail it to remailer@rebma.mn.org. I haven't tried this but it should work, theoretically. Hal 74076.1041@compuserve.com Distribution: CYPHERPUNKS >INTERNET:CYPHERPUNKS@TOAD.COM