30 Aug
30 Aug
12:45 p.m.
Is Tom Clancy going to spend much time in stir for machine gunning
At 08:39 AM 8/30/01 -0500, measl@mfn.org wrote: the US
Congress at the end of Debt of Honor? Possibly: see the campaign to put away John Ross, author of "Unintended
Consequences". www.freerepublic.com/forum/a39696d3b3c7b.htm
Wherein it says: For example, in 1997 the book's publisher became aware that individuals purporting to be BATF agents had threatened vendors of the book in at least three different states with "problems" if they did not cease their sales of the book. A full-page ad in Shotgun News offering a $10,000 reward for the identity of these individuals put a stop to that particular business. Wouldn't this be evidence supporting AP?