chemicals in the environment today that mimic various hormones which
At 07:48 AM 5/7/03 -0700, Mike Rosing wrote: then cause
imbalances in animals, or, for instance, aluminum suspected in alzhimers.
Al has been discredited, Alz is inherited, or inevitable if your hydraulics keep you ticking that long (a recent development).
It's more like the "publish or perish" syndrome. Some field of profs needs to create a new thing so they can keep getting funding for "research".
Dumbing down of Americans has been going on for a long time. But I'm not sure that's real either. How long have the majority of people been
going past 8th grade education?
"Education" has been increasing, but industrial life means that people can be stupider, because they are more shielded. See J. Diamond, http://www.edge.org/3rd_culture/diamond/diamond_p1.html
We used to think DDT was great stuff.
It is. Malaria kills 3e6 a year. But that's not 3e6 industrials who die, and its industrials who make it. The cigars that indians smoked kept bugs away, and with an aboriginal life span the problems with smoking were insignificant compared to the dangers of bugs. What is adaptive depends on your environment. That probably applies to mental traits like ability to sit still, tolerate presence of others, concentrate on abstract lines of thought etc. 21st century schizoid man.