Joe Stack leads his customer list with crypto design: Cylink Corporation Project: The Cylink CY8300 IPSec high-performance security processor Design the instruction set for the CY8300 internal CPUs (dual RISK processors) Write and document the CY8000 Cross Assembler (Hosted on Windows NT, Sun Solaris, and Linux) Develop the CPU functional validation test suite using the CY8300 assembly language Develop the CPU simulation environment using Verilog HDL & PLI Perform validation simulation using both the Verilog "NCSim" environment and on prototype hardware Write an IPSec Datagram generation/encryption utility for packet generation, encryption/decryption (using DES, TDES, & SHA-1) and authentication (using SHA-1, MD5, HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-MD5, & DES-MAC)