Jim Choate <ravage@ssz.com> writes:
Subject: Re: SPECIAL REPORT: Censorware in the Stacks From: dlv@bwalk.dm.com (Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM) Date: Mon, 22 Dec 97 15:33:03 EST
On the contary. when no library was state (meaning, taxpayer) funded, and t
Get your facts straight. The US has a library that from day 1 has been citizen supported. Every state (that I am aware of) has a state library that is funded by tax payers. Furthermore, Texas & Lousiana have had localy supported libraries and schools before they were even states.
Jim, I suggest you get your facts straight. LOC is for the Congress. Have you tried getting in and doing your own private research? It's not piece of cake. Every state has a public library NOW, just like every state has a welfare office. However I have plenty of evidence that libraries in New York were much better when there were many private ones who charged patrons for use - which was the case about 100 years ago. --- Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps