Phone number? Isn't that one of the ways we can get in a system? using a phone. Anyway I'm interested, but I do not have a phone. Here is my address 26 H Kamagong St., Commonwealth, Quezon City, Philippines,1121 =============================================================================== It's funny, I have always been a good listener who understood and cared someones secrets, but to my dismay I have never been understood. On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, John Perry wrote:
On Wed, Aug 19, 1998 at 02:07:12AM +0200, paolo wrote:
Sorry I'm not very expert about invading systems but I need your help to enter in a bank.I have all the informations and I need to know if it is possible to enter. They were not very correct with me and now they must pay for it.What do you think about that? Can you help me to find any good italian hackers? ZORRO
Sure thing! Just send us your full name, address (mailing and physical), and phone number. I'm sure you will get plenty of help.
-- John Perry PGP-encrypted e-mail welcome! WWW - PGP 2.62 key for is on the keyqservers. for RC5.