Saturday 8/15/98 8:04 AM J Orlin Grabbe I read Nuclear BIOS Sandia Scraps Guided Nuke Project We were just having fun, Hagengruber says Sandia National Laboratories has shut down an effort to design a guided nuclear bomb that critics say was aimed at Third World targets. Sandia pulled the plug because of controversy over the fact that the lab never received permission for the project from senior levels of the Clinton administration, said Sandia vice president Roger Hagengruber. A flight test scheduled for next month in which an unarmed prototype was to have been dropped from an airplane has been canceled, Hagengruber said, and lab scientists will wrap up their reports on their four-year work on the project by the end of September. Critics said the $15.5 million project was intended to give U.S. military forces a new kind of nuclear bomb that could be used in conflicts against small nations trying to acquire nuclear, biological or chemical weapons. ... http://www.aci.net/kalliste/ At the height of implementing the seismic data authenticator http://jya.com/da/whpda.htm based on NSAs deficient algorithm. See Appendix S http://jya.com/da/whpda.htm#apps I SQUANDERED about $50k EACH WEEK on a flawed concept based and a deficient algorithm. My ROUGH guess that I WROTE OVER $250,000 in purchase orders for the Sandia seismic data authenticator! This amount DID NOT INCLUDE MY SALARY, a TECHNICIAN, and Travel. The first implementation was done in 1974, by R. E. D. Stewart, D. A. Reynolds, and J. G. Deasey. This was a "bench test" implementation in the sense that the algorithm was done in hardware wire, wrapped on "cash" cards, and placed in a test rack. http://jya.com/da/whpda.htm Reynolds and Deasy did the work. Stewart was one of Hagengubers spook shop [building 868] employees. Stewart merely wrote the report. Stewart wrote that the cost of the prototype was $400,000 if my memory is correct. The money came from outside Sandia, perhaps NSA or DARPA. I was ordered by project leader H B Durham to hold the cost down. I was also ordered by Durham follow NSA's orders. Durhams exact words were If they want a pink overcoat, sell them a pink overcoat. I KNEW while I was doing the work that both the data authentication concept was flawed - multiple redundant stations is the correct AND CURRENTLY IN USE concept - and the algorithm was BAD. So did Durham from what he told me. Durham regarded the data authenticator as a necessary political evil, was my opinion. Durhams boss was John Holovka. Holovkas boss was Paul Stokes. Stokes told me that the concept of data authentication was invented at Sandia and that he, Stokes, invented it. Stokes ordered the data authenticator fielded over the classification objections of NSA. Stokes boss was ROGER HAGENGRUBER. Ive been involved with shift register implementation work for a LONG TIME. It has been over about 27 years since I directed any Ph.D. students http://www-hto.usc.edu/software/seqaln/doc/html/gfsr.3.html http://www.friction-free-economy.com/ http://www.mhpcc.edu/general/john.html So I documented the bad NSA algorithm and implementation advice. http://jya.com/da/whpda.htm My SAND report cost A LOT OF MONEY to produce for the REPORT ALONE. But NOT ALL OF THE MONEY WAS WASTED. 1 http://www.apcatalog.com/cgi-bin/AP?ISBN=0125475705&LOCATION=US&FORM=FORM2 2 http://jya.com/f86/whpf86.htm The seismic data authenticator is ANOTHER OF ROGER HAGENGRUBERS PROJECTS Later bill Friday 8/14/98 9:06 AM John Young http://www.jya.com/index.htm J Orlin Grabbe http://www.aci.net/kalliste/ Roger Hagengruber is making news http://www.abqjournal.com/scitech/1sci8-14.htm Hagengruber 1 was Jim Durham's office mate when Hagengruber was new at Sandia. H. B. Durham who served as project leader http://jya.com/da/whpda.htm 2 was C William Childers' boss 3 was James Gosler's boss 4 was Paul Stokes' boss Originator: Paul A. Stokes Date: 4/28/92 http://jya.com/da/whpda.htm 5 encouraged Sandia to do more 'work for others' projects like for the FBI and NSA. This includes the 'spiking work' for NSA. http://www.aci.net/kalliste/ricono.htm http://www.qainfo.se/~lb/crypto_ag.htm http://caq.com/cryptogate 6 told employees that Hagengruber favored shifting Sandia labs from DOE control to DOD control. 7 was one of the main people involved in getting me fired and CAUSING THIS MESS. http://www.aci.net/kalliste/speccoll.htm http://www.aci.net/kalliste/nukearse.htm http://www.aci.net/kalliste/sandcryp.htm http://jya.com/whpfiles.htm 8 Hagengruber looks like he may have relative working at Sandia HAGENGRUBER,MICHAEL L. (505)844-0628 MLHAGEN (505)844-7284 0121 HAGENGRUBER,ROGER L. (505)844-7310 RLHAGEN (505)844-1424 1231 http://www.sandia.gov/cgi-bin/emplloc?ename=hagengruber This matter CLEARLY should be settled before it GETS WORSE! Later bill