C A P E C A N A V E R A L, Fla., May 8 A top secret spy satellite blasted off on Friday atop the U.S. military's most powerful rocket booster. The 20-story U.S. Air Force Titan 4B rocket, carrying the classified National Reconnaissance Office spacecraft, lifted off its Cape Canaveral launch pad at 9:38 p.m. EST. The rocket's comet-like streak through the moon-lit night sky was visible as far away as Orlando. According to the trade journal Aviation Week and Space Technology, the Titan, built by Lockheed Martin Corp., placed an electronic eavesdropping satellite into orbit. "It will be used to listen in on communications in hostile areas, such as the Middle East and North Korea," said Craig Covault, the magazine's space technology editor. The rocket soared into the sky several hours late after a problem-plagued countdown. Air Force launch controllers had to deal with technical trouble at a tracking station and high upper-level winds. The countdown was also disrupted by a container ship and a small sail boat that strayed into the launch danger area in the Atlantic Ocean, east of Cape Canaveral.