bureau42 Anonymous Remailer shaped the electrons to read ...
From: Mail Administrator<Postmaster@vang.pacific.net.sg> Send reply to: Mail Administrator<Postmaster@vang.pacific.net.sg> Subject: Mail System Error - Returned Mail
This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason:
The following destination addresses were unknown (please check the addresses and re-mail the message):
SMTP <harish@brokat.com.sg>
Please reply to Postmaster@vang.pacific.net.sg if you feel this message to be in error.
Yes, hmmmm it is. harish@brokat.com.sg is not functional yet. Minor glitch. So, do reply to h.pillay@ieee.org for the time being. -- Harish Pillay h.pillay@ieee.org Singapore *** Ask me about Linux *** http://home.pacific.net.sg/~harish