## Anon-To: Pretty Lousy Privacy <plp@dev.null> :: Subject: POP Secret Communication / Boil in oil after Reading!!! COMING IN ON A WING AND DISPAIR (29 April 1998) Pilots are leaving the Air Force like fleas jumping off a dead dog. If this exodus in blue doesnt stop, there wont be anyone left to fly the existing megabuck fleet of aircraft or the trillion dollar fleet of space-age new fighters the Air Force wants for the 21st century. Without pilots its going to be even harder to justify all these costly new silver bullets when a congressperson or two without bases or flying machine plants back home comes asking, "Who needs these suckers when missiles, robots, bugs and germs, and 16-year-old hackers will be the weapons of the future?" http://www.hackworth.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "That wasn't hacking, cracking and phreaking...that was 'unauthorized military training'!" ~ Lou Tenant, Graham (Cracker) Johnny (DuneWadd) Buller (Shit) AttackAdamMe of Computron Seances and Waste Drugsposal