On Wed, Apr 09, 2003 at 01:12:25PM -0700, Tim May wrote:
On Wednesday, April 9, 2003, at 12:05 PM, Eric Murray wrote:
WTF is a "lone terrorist"?
http://www.newsday.com/news/nationworld/nation/ny- ussena093214085apr09,0,3864424.story?coll=ny-nationalnews-headlines
"A bill to expand the ability of the government to conduct wiretaps and other surveillance on suspected lone terrorists has attracted controversial amendments that have stalled its advance to the full Senate. ... Reading down it looks like a "lone terrorist" is someone that the government can't even prove is a "terrorist" to the secret FISA rubberstamp court. So this is presumeably an attempt to bypass FISA entirely.
They claim to no longer need to prove that a person was planning a terrorist act. They claim that merely having terrorist tools is enough.
There are several pending examples of this, discussed here. One guy up in the Northwest is facing terrorism charges for possibly thinking about possibly making ricin, possibly to poison his wife. No, I'm not talking about Jim Bell. Here's a URL:
"Olsen would face life in prison if convicted of the federal charge of possession of a biological agent or toxin for use as a weapon. "
Holy shit -- a cigarette falls under that classification. There's enough nicotine in one to kill anyone if simply extracted. -- Harmon Seaver CyberShamanix http://www.cybershamanix.com