On Wednesday, November 21, 2001, at 02:08 PM, Mark Henderson wrote:
On Wed, Nov 21, 2001 at 01:33:57PM -0800, Meyer Wolfsheim wrote:
Oregon refuses to ignore basic constitutional rights for the sake of the war on terrorism
I lived in Portland about ten years back. Nice place. Almost makes me want to move back.
Hmm. Anyone see Redmond as the capital of the Independent States of the Pacific Coast?
It seems like you might be advocating break-up of the United States. Might be sedition. Off to the electric chair with you for thinking bad thoughts... perhaps after a few hours of torture.
Alan Dershowitz is calling for torture only after at least at GS-12 in an accredited office building electronically authorizes the torture. Tribunals for terrorists like us ("if they are terrorists, they have no rights") will be carried out in military bases around the nation.
Don't worry too much, with luck they'll let you off if you sign a loyalty oath.
This country has become a very scary place.
Besides sedition, this is also treason. P.S. Fuck this nation. Fuck it to death. It has long been a festering pool of democracy. Now it has discarded what remained of constitutional foundations. Kill it before it multiplies. By any means necessary. --Tim May, Corralitos, California Quote of the Month: "It is said that there are no atheists in foxholes; perhaps there are no true libertarians in times of terrorist attacks." --Cathy Young, "Reason Magazine," both enemies of liberty.