This week the award-winning Shift Control presents... The Design Issue David Carson, former surfing pro turned international advertising consultant, is one of the most influential and instantly recognisable graphic designers of his generation. Edo van Duyn talks to him in a Shift Control exclusive. The Royal College of Art's Industrial Design Engineering course has over the years moulded some of Britain's greatest creative talents - including the inventor of the Dual Cyclone vacuum, James Dyson. Shift Control talks to some of this year's graduates to discover the gadgets and gizmos of tomorrow. And Andrew Byrom presents a guide to contemporary typography - the ubiquitous, ephemeral and disposable art form that's defining design in the Nineties. Also this week, Shift Control launches the Design Gallery - a brand new section featuring the some of the best examples of British art and design. Plus: Shift Control announces the creation of the world's first bionic bee, and you have another chance to win £200 in our short story competition. All this plus the usual selection of rants, reckoners, reviews and revelations, waiting for you NOW at www.shiftcontrol.com _____________________________________________ Shift Control is produced by the Guardian's New Media Lab with help from Boddingtons and Stella Artois Dry To unsubscribe from this mailing list send e-mail to shiftcontrol-request@nml.guardian.co.uk with the following text in the body of the mail message: unsubscribe