Welcome customer,
Common don't be shy and visit our supermarket
More heat to your small friend
your brain works. Using
brain in a way that sticks.
environment. In other
a design paddle pattern.
deep understanding of why
Head First book, you know
learned by those
in between sips of a martini.
of the best practices
deep understanding of why
Singleton isn't as simple as it
put you to sleep! We think
a book, you want
on your team.
support in your own code.
learned by those
You want to learn the
(and impress cocktail party guests)
(and impress cocktail party guests)
(or worse, a flat tire),
(and impress cocktail party guests)
when he casually mentions
alone. At any given moment,
somewhere in the world
you don't want to
and experience of others,
used in the Java API
real OO design principles
a design paddle pattern.
used in the Java API
will load patterns into your
somewhere in the world
when to use them, how
(and too short) to spend
of Design Patterns so
deep understanding of why