On the one hand Satochi pitched Bitcoin as a cash-like system. What can happen with cash under careless handling and storage? OTOH, Bitcoin's crypto nature lends itself to novel solutions such as multisig pools that can be used to prevent this type of fraud and theft. See Stash Pool explanation at Stashcrypto.com. On Dec 13, 2017 2:17 AM, "Georgi Guninski" <[1]guninski@guninski.com> wrote: If your bitcoin wallet is compromised, all your bitcoins are gone forever. With a credit card, you have some chance of only minor damage. If your computer is owned, your wallet is at risk. This appears major problem for the widespread adoption of bitcoin IMHO. Fixing it appears to contradict decentralization, which opens another can of "worms". Potential approach is to use "trusted wallet proxy", but this may not work in practice. Are these concerns taken seriously? Any technical attempts at mitigating cryptocurrency theft? References 1. mailto:guninski@guninski.com