On Jan 24, 2017, at 1:19 PM, Razer <[1]g2s@riseup.net> wrote: The 43 Group was an English anti-fascist group set up by Jewish ex-servicemen after World War II. They did this when, upon returning to London, they encountered British fascist organisations such as Jeffrey Hamm's British League of Ex-Servicemen and later Oswald Mosley's new fascist party, the Union Movement. The activities of these fascist groups included antisemitic speeches in public places, and from the rank-and-file fascists, violent attacks on London Jews and Jewish property.[1] Group members broke up far-right meetings, infiltrated fascist groups, and attacked the fascists in street fighting.[2] [2]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/43_Group #GoodNightAltRight... Rr The putrid modern american nazi (the so called alt right) seems to overlook the fact that Hitler shot himself in a bunker after causing a war so fucking horrific it belies description. I laughed my ass off watching Dick Spencer getting clocked. John References 1. mailto:g2s@riseup.net 2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/43_Group