That subject lines should get some good attention... Today's Womens March where I live caused traffic jams all over downtown due to steady stream of Peds X-ing everywhere! WTF would the popo do about that? Start gunning down women all over town for not yielding to cars? ROTF ROTF! Rr PS: And remember folks, When you '#protest' with the media reporting how smooth it went, the police commenting on how 'well-organized'/peaceful it was ... you weren't protesting. As the Wall Street Journal pointed out a few years ago in a series of articles... What the rich fear the most is violence in the streets directed at them. Terrorize the rich. [1] why-rich-fear.html Start with your Senator. All of them are wealthy... Even Burn-E. The average net worth for the American White middle class is just a touch over $100k. Compare to your own Senator, then terrorize them. It gets the lactic acid flowing and tenderizes them so they're oh so tender when bar-b-cued. Mmmm Mmmm good! Rr References 1.