The Grugq was an 0day reseller who transitioned to Infosec/Opsec bobblehead. Still maintaining close ties to the hand that feeds. On December 28, 2016 4:25:47 AM CST, The Cuckq wrote: the.grugq at [1] panacea No shit. Prevention is the point of Tor, not damage mitigation, i.e., "healing" privacy activist cult TIL: privacy = cult I got triggered What a fagq strong security posture It is only posturing, isn't it security (and/or privacy) Without security there is no privacy; isn't this guy a philosopher king; wtf VPN provides the same protections Bullshit, VPNs are guaranteed to fail Tor is at least a gamble, until trust-aware path selection enables a better experience Tor has only one use case – to evade the authorities This fuckq with the pro-LEA false narratives VPNs are (typically) not actively malicious Neither are "whites" and you have no good reason to use it except as an evasion tool against state authorities Again with the false narratives Tor Browser Bundle is the worst browser possible I guess he never used IE/Edge or Chrome What a newb Anonymity is essentially a property of a system that ensures any user is equally likely to be the source of an event This guy is fucking retarded Not knowing who dun it doesn't mean it could be anybody Diversity is obviously less good for anonymity Seeing a user as a regular Chrome, FF, or Safari user does more for anonymity than Tor homogeneity Global Passive Adversary It is clear that they are actively attacking people, why use inaccurate labels -- Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity. References 1.