[1]http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3552230/Bizarre-Bell- entanglement-spotted-large-numbers-atoms-time-Correlation-takes-step-cl oser-superfast-quantum-computers.html Bizarre 'Bell' entanglement is spotted in large numbers of atoms for the first time: Correlation takes us another step closer to superfast quantum computers * One example of the strange features of quantum physics is superposition * Another is entanglement, which says atoms properties are linked * Bell correlation, a specific kind of entanglement, has been seen before [end of portion quoted] Jim Bell * References 1. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3552230/Bizarre-Bell-entanglement-spotted-large-numbers-atoms-time-Correlation-takes-step-closer-superfast-quantum-computers.html