I was tempted to say:" He's still a cunt." OH NO! I said it! On 07/30/2016 04:19 PM, oshwm wrote: to clarify, the gov need to fuck off and leave the rest of us to make shit safe :) On 30 July 2016 23:34:42 BST, oshwm [1] wrote: you're a cunt juan but absolutely correct :D On 30 July 2016 22:07:50 BST, juan [2] wrote: "Real-World Security and the Internet of Things" "Governments need to play a larger role" signed - supreme leader of the 'tor project' corporataion. -- Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity. References 1. mailto:oshwm@openmailbox.org 2. mailto:juan.g71@gmail.com