Zenaan, thank you so much for your powerful speech that comes from the depth of your Heart. I am pro-Russian, from points of view including the following: .... You are a pro-Russian/Putin + you are a HUGE PRO-TRUTH! PRO-GREAT-FUTURE for all of us! there might not be any truth to the "bad Russians, bad Putin" meme! AND Perhaps they're (the Russians) fellow humans? Perhaps they're in fact really fine humans (the Russians), and real humans? Perhaps their current leader, Putin, is pretty damn great, by any and all international, national and local, Christian, and any other, standards? !!! __ Please, form your own assessment! Create an opinion for yourself, which is not my opinion, not the MSM opinion, but is your own, personal, opinion. Please. Please. __ Zen, I think you should post your speech in a different thread. It's much more than the "Litvienko case" here... and these deep and true words deserve to be repeated. Your Brother, A.