> 2016-06-04 23:21 GMT+03:00 Cari Machet <[1]carimachet@gmail.com>: > why the fuck are you always always always so misinformation person? > > its not a fucking smear campaign - you have no idea the people you are speaking of in such a manner Oh, and you are the one who has any idea, right? You "know for sure" Appelbaum is x/y/z, right? And "you know for sure" that it's not a smear campaign? You and many others are just barking like dogs, that's it. Was there already an OFFICIAL TRIAL -> and a verdict?! Where are the SOLID and INDISPUTABLE facts and not some written/said boolshit about Appelbaum?! Nothing. Just a lot of mud and wails of slander. What about the presumption of INNOCENCE, until PRO ​​ VEN otherwise in an official trial?! (not even saying about the fact, that we've got so many examples of convicting innocent people in a court with false evidences) It's the same scheme every time. And most of the people keep eating this boolshit time after time ​​ . ​​ References 1. mailto:carimachet@gmail.com