I think there is not any single black box module component. All of the things are 'storing data' 'all the time' 'intentionally logging' 'inadvertently logging' - then data are recovered from all available (non-smoldering) modules. -Travis On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 11:30 PM, <[1]dan@geer.org> wrote: | Field tested cheat sheets on security oriented, low tech DIY hardware | mods are among the most subversive things that can be published on the | technical front. CPunks subscribers may or may not personally need those | docs for the Nameless Mission or Big Show in our lifetimes, but others | do need them now. Yes. I want to know how to kill the black box on a new car so I can stop having to weld up the rust on my existing 24 year old ride. --dan -- [2]Twitter | [3]LinkedIn | [4]GitHub | [5]TravisBiehn.com | [6]Google Plus References 1. mailto:dan@geer.org 2. https://twitter.com/tbiehn 3. http://www.linkedin.com/in/travisbiehn 4. http://github.com/tbiehn 5. http://www.travisbiehn.com/ 6. https://plus.google.com/+TravisBiehn