2014-10-17 11:26 GMT+02:00 Alfie John <[1]alfiej@fastmail.fm>: I guess the only real work around would be to relocate the company (including all employees) to a more friendly jurisdiction. Somehow American's believe national is the new international. What was PirateAt40 doing in the US? Why, if you run The Silk Road, do you live in the US? All they had to do is disappear off the map for a while (say 5 to 10 years) (this means visiting somewhere remote, like China or Russia, hell, go to Finland for all I care, this is about not dropping hints in police hintboxes all the time; not running away), maybe reinvent themselves with a properly faked ID (maybe!), and, well, enjoy life in all the square meters not run by "We The People". References 1. mailto:alfiej@fastmail.fm