I have the Introduction to Algorithms book. It's pretty darn good. The usual material for universities around the world. If your nation's laws permit it you may consider downloading a full copy for free. In The Netherlands it is legal, as making a copy for user at home is legal. Take care not to use something like [1]torrentz.eu though, torrents are also uploading and thus illegal in NL. You might instead consider using Google. A quick search for "introduction to algorithms +.pdf" finds us: [2]http://ldc.usb.ve/~xiomara/ci2525/ALG_3rd.pdf [3]http://www.slideshare.net/hiepkhach_1006/introduction-to-algorithms- 3rd-edition-thomas-h-cormen-charles-e-leiserson-ronald-l-rivest-cliffor d-stein and [4]http://cs.gzu.edu.cn/lab/upload/cont/%E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E4%B8%AD%E5% BF%83/%E7%AE%97%E6%B3%95%E5%AF%BC%E8%AE%BA.pdf And it works for just about every good book out there. Of course, use it only legally! It is important that publisher's rights are respected. As a community we come to find the optimal set of rules through our well designed systems of consent. If law follows from it, it must be respected. References 1. http://torrentz.eu/ 2. http://ldc.usb.ve/~xiomara/ci2525/ALG_3rd.pdf 3. http://www.slideshare.net/hiepkhach_1006/introduction-to-algorithms-3rd-edition-thomas-h-cormen-charles-e-leiserson-ronald-l-rivest-clifford-stein 4. http://cs.gzu.edu.cn/lab/upload/cont/资料中心/算法导论.pdf