hello. as far as i know, this is not HTML, it is a unicode message. the way it goes through- the list software attaches an HTML file after every post, though there is no text formatting of any kind, other than recognized unicode characters that remain in the text that last post was because some messages can go longer than 77 characters or make it to the list that way, and i was trying to get 78 so as to send a plain-text chart versus an image attachment, and this with respect to cryptographic considerations of a matrix array, as it directly relates to a long history of crypto in these frameworks > quoting text is not HTML either, it is basic email software again, i do apologize, i tried to append the test to several previous messages though could not arrive at a solution and did not want to interfere with an unrelated text by having a massive error. if everything worked (software, computers, internet, type, gmail) and it could be figured out, that would be ideal, yet things are not particularly well suited to these basic communication tasks and if possible, please filter my posts into the trash and ignore them, it is entirely understandable, it was not clear if it was my posting you referred to previously and consecutively, though i am not as far as is known, sending HTML out from gmail (it does not say, it just says: plain-text, and then non-plain-text, which is RTF or HTML) though it arrives on list as plain-text, with unicode, just as it is sent out, stripped of any HTML. not sure about the list software settings because i do not even get copies of my posts even though that is the setting. and it says plain-text as far as i know, for how to send/receive, and HTML does not make it onto the list, except very rarely in my short interaction here if you say 'no attachments' and no special characters and no html error attachment files (have no idea how to control that), it leaves a very minimal text-only realm to communicate in that would not allow any diagrams, any charts or data that does have relevance to crypto -conceptualization-, ideas. i just do not understand how it makes people so upset in terms of the content, fucking cryptologic fundamentals for fuck'sake. are you really going to go apeshit over a crypto diagram that introduces a new concept and asks for it to be evaluated, especially to challenge the ideas or take other views about it. that is great. though if the idea is HTML is this critique, that is THE BULLSHIT. please filter me out of your email stream, problem solved. then you could stop your recursive bitching and moaning. thanks. On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 7:05 PM, J.A. Terranson <[1]measl@mfn.org> wrote: On Thu, 17 Oct 2013, brian carroll wrote: If you *must* support HTML on SMTP, at least have the courtesy to do your testing locally, rather than globally. I am sending this globally, rather than locally, because with the influx of new CP'ers about town, I have zero doubt that this will be a [re]recurring issue. //Alif -- Those who make peaceful change impossible, make violent revolution inevitable. An American Spring is coming: one way or another. References 1. mailto:measl@mfn.org