Did a quick little write-up about the USPS response to my MICT FOIA, thought you might be interested. Thanks to Cryptome for posting the LEO spy forms orignally! [1]https://openwatch.net/i/248/mailtap-usps-documents-expose-how-local- police-a Can anybody spot me $500,000? Rich Jones [2]OpenWatch is a global citizen news network. Download OpenWatch [3]for iOS and [4]for Android! References 1. https://openwatch.net/i/248/mailtap-usps-documents-expose-how-local-police-a 2. https://openwatch.net/ 3. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/openwatch-social-muckraking/id642680756?ls=1&mt=8 4. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.ale.openwatch&hl=en